When Sunday & Soul approached us they were about to launch an end-of-season sale.

They were a new e-commerce business with BIG dreams.

Emmy, a new mum to her second child, launched Sunday & Soul during the height of the pandemic. She wanted to create comfortable weekend wear which brought joy and confidence through bright colours and bold prints.

Following an audit of the brand’s website and socials, it was clear this was a business we could help scale rapidly.

And we did! 💥

Like many new businesses, Sunday & Soul had dabbled in Facebook ads, which brought in the odd sale, but nothing scalable.

They had a small retarget campaign running which was trucking along, but it wasn't bringing in a volume of new buyers with an intent to buy. At the time Emmy's family home was full of boxes and she was spending her time packing up orders and sending them out. She was wearing all the hats, all the time. This left her little opportunity to do the thing that brought her joy... developing new designs and evolving the brand.

She wanted to give, what was becoming a loyal customer base, more choices AND she wanted to get stock out of her house and into a fulfillment warehouse.

We immersed ourselves in the brand. Understanding the core values and how to speak to both potential customers and warm audiences was pivotal in producing ad campaigns that converted. It was essential that our paid activity seamlessly blended with the organic socials. It wasn't about finding one-hit purchasers amongst a new audience, it was about finding the right people and helping to grow an army of fans. We knew that the lifetime value of a customer is big!

We now work with Sunday & Soul on an ongoing basis. We’re constantly testing new copy, creative and audiences to enable us to scale and grow what is working to drive more sales and support Emmy with making her dreams a reality.

It hasn't been easy, we've had to keep up with stock challenges, the impact of Brexit and price changes. It meant we needed to adapt quickly as the business evolved.

Throughout the initial end-of-season sale project with Sunday & Soul we achieved a return on adspend (ROAS) of between 6.98 and 81.6.

This hugely successful campaign resulted in Neon becoming a retained supplier. We are still seeing consistently good results with ROAS averaging between 4 and 12.

We are now working on plans to support this flourishing business, helping them to scale further.

What does this all mean for Sunday & Soul?

It's meant that Emmy has been able to grow her range from a handful of sweatshirt designs to a broad collection of casual wear items with new designs being released regularly. She's moved the business out of her home and is working with a warehouse to fulfill orders AND she can now focus on the parts of her business which bring her JOY.



At Neon, we help e-commerce brands, like yours, achieve explosive growth with high-performing digital marketing campaigns that stop the scroll, laser-target your fans and drive sales.

If you:

💥 Are committed to investing in your business

💥 Are serious about scaling

💥 Have a proven product that sells

💥 Are prepared to do what it takes

Then we're ready to help!


We can light the way to a bright future for your business.

Neon is a digital marketing agency that takes a strategic approach to driving e-commerce growth. From paid social to email marketing and bots for e-commerce, we’ll plan and implement supercharged campaigns that maximise your budget, reach the right customers and exceed your sales goals.

We’re a team of highly trained, highly skilled digital marketers who have flexed our muscles on some big brands. We know what works (and what definitely doesn’t) in the world of digital marketing.

We’re also business owners, parents and avid online shoppers, which means we have real-life perspective on your journey and we can put ourselves in your customers’ shoes at the drop of a hat, too.

At Neon, we only work with independent e-commerce brands we feel a spark with. Having that chemistry is a deal-breaker for us.


Because it’s human nature to go the extra mile when we feel passionate about the outcome. And we’re the kind of people who love to love what we do.

It’s a feeling that motivates us to achieve explosive results for our clients, over and over again.


The brains & passion behind Neon. Client's have called Anna "the calm in the storm", "approachable", "supportive"... she knows her stuff and she genuinely cares about YOUR business.

Prior to launching Neon Anna was account director at the world's biggest ad agency, McCann Erickson, ran PR campaigns for car safety giant Britax and headed up PR for leading UK retailer Bravissimo.

Ready to work with a highly skilled team who can make sure your business shines BRIGHT?!

Hit the button below 👇

PLEASE NOTE: We currently have an intake of 4 new clients per month and carefully screen our clients so we can 100% deliver

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